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in Tokyo,Japan

Eric Aubier's specialized trumpet school in Japan that is designed for the students who persue their success in national or international competitions and orchestra auditions, and also for the students who prepare for music college auditions.
April 2016 Start

This school aims at young Japanese talents for being more competitive to succeed in international competitions and orchestra auditions.

Also it includes supplementary classes on pedagogy (the training which is not adapted in Japan as in Europe) and on the discovery of new repertoires.


I would be present regularly throughout the year, and I would be backed up by André Henry, who is a very talented French trumpet player having a big experience in prestigious international competitions and positions in orchestras.


Eric Aubier

Last Update:7/24/2015

< Interview on PIPERS Magazine >

Eric's interview about this institute is on PIPERS Magazine (Japanese music mazagine for wind players) as special feature!


about the institue

Detailed information on the institute and the project.


We give PRE Univ Course which is for the students who prepares for the auditions for music colleges, and POST Univ Course which is for the students who graduated from music colleges or current college students.


profiles of the teachers and staffs

Detailed profiles of teachers of the institute, Eric Aubier and André Henry, and staffs.

< From Opening Concert and Orientation, May 2015 >

Opening Concert & Orientation

May 2/2015,

at Dolce Gakki Tokyo

We are going to give a opening concert/orientation on May 2, 2015, at Dolce Gakki Tokyo.

Addmission free, and no reservation is needed.


Eric Aubier will be explaining about the institute and answer your questions.

- Pre Univ Course 2015,

2day class for Post Univ Course 2015


PRE Univ Course will start in August 2015!

We are waiting for your applying for the 1st term students (Aug.2015-Feb. 2016).

More information and apply here!<in Japanese only now>


POST Univ Course will start in April 2016. But piror to the opening, we will give special 2day class in Aug. 2015.

More information and apply here!<in Japanese only now>


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© 2015 by Eric Aubier Intetnational French Institue of Trumpet




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